The Editor
"I started to make a list of all the poets who I wanted to publish in 10x3 and before I knew it, the list had traveled around the world twice. I subscribe to Poetry and American Poetry Review and frequently buy poetry books and other small press. The most recent book I purchased was by Alice Notley. At different times in my life, I've been strongly influenced by these giants: Walt Whitman, Frank O'Hara, Rainer Rilke, Tomas Tranströmer, and Wallace Stevens. Some fiction writers I love are Boris Pasternak, Andrei Platonov, J.D. Salinger, Yasunari Kawabata, and Truman Capote. These lists could go on and on. I do believe that I've already published poets who deserve to be more widely recognized and read."
--Sue Ann Simar, Editor, 10x3 plus,
The Vigilante
Be up at sunrise, a look of determination in your eye.
Seize your weapon and follow my tracks.
Black on white, a savage fate...the striking arms of the reader.
Ann Simar