Welcome to 10×3 plus

10×3 plus began publishing in 2007. Each issue showcases 10 poets x 3 poems or 3 poets x 10 poems plus other poems, prose-poems, or features. The idea of the magazine is to publish multiple poems by poets.

With this goal in mind, the editor accepts poets first, and poems second. The magazine has also featured longer works, such as Jesse Weiner’s book-length poem, The Structure of Complex Symbols, which was “fragmented” in issue #1. Other “top ten” poets have included Rick Campbell, Jefferson Carter, Grace Cavalieri, Tom Clark, Jeff Friedman, Michael Gessner, Susan Grimm, Dzvinia Orlowsky, Ron Padgett, Doren Robbins, George Szirtes, and Lisa Zimmerman.

When you read 10×3 plus, you will find that the poets published are varied, and the quality of the writing is excellent. Please visit the Contributors Page for a complete listing of 10×3 poets.

The magazine continues to grow in popularity and prestige. Numerous issues have been recommended by The Montserrat Review. 10×3 plus is now listed in Poets & Writers, Dustbooks, Small Press Review, and Duotrope. Pushcart Prize nominations are announced on the blog site.