Seeing – Tomas de Faoite

What does seeing the light mean?Being enlightened? Seeing a visionNot made of my own seeing? The face of God in the darkLeft behind by the rays of the sun? Seeing Gandhi wearing a monocleOn an Indian carpet during meditation? Leaving the body briefly? No, no.I […]


Stairs – Tomas de Faoite

I You are coming down the stairs my son.And I can hear you.You see the light come from beneathThe kitchen door. You know I’m up. I’m already there with you in mind.I want to run out and exceedAll my previous limitations;To fold you in my […]


Karma – Lisa Zimmerman

I could love you once then let you goalive in a life I cannot keepbut I’d rather burn than die that slow. Your hair, your breath, your eyes I knowfrom another time, some quantum leapI could love you once then let you go. A hundred […]


Coyotes in the Ditch – Lisa Zimmerman

Sometimes in summer we waketo their high-pitched choruscarried across the rope of sleep.Night sky abates and becomespasture, becomes singing–horses stir and rustle,the moon’s white fangs piercechinks in the barn. When you tell me you listenedto a pack in full daylighttake an animal down, bone by […]


On a Personal Note – Sue Ann Simar

Thanks to the many well-wishers who have provided me with support and encouragement during the past five months of surgeries and treatments. I’d like to refer everyone who is going through any kind of personal tribulation to Martin Turner’s blog site (linked here), which has […]
